Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Affair Season II
Jorge Santa Cruz
Previously unseeing, the second season of The Affair has branded itself as a great TV show. Television does not leave the best for last, nor life; but everything that looked unpolished in The Affair Season I, it is beautiful now.

The Affair portraits the perfect storm of a XXI Century writer named Noah Solloway. Yes, perfect sounds great, but what if perfect is just a storm?

No human being can avoid the affair of living. Countless chaos can pour in a life— overall if one has the drive of a writer—; for most of them, chaos is a lifestyle.

The Affair Season I opens right when Noah's writing career picks up; and as it gets better, his life gets more complex in and out of his mind. Metaphorically, the show exposes the correlation between creation and chaos. The Affair will never leave Noah as its epicenter; however, the show doesn’t waste any of its characters. All are in play for the ambitious unexpected.

Helen and Allison are the two worlds that Noah will make collide on him. Helen has it all as the wife of Noah, with whom she has four children. The Affair Season I sets the viewers in a background full of sex clichés for the chain of events that will follow; in other words, Helen underestimates the gravity of keeping all together as the cause of immeasurable effects.

In Allison there is something not quite digestive about this character in the first season. Something is wrong with the way she holds her lips together, something paranoid, not sensual at all, that catches Noah's attention; that's where The Affair's plot enters in full swing.

The Affair is a puzzled, subjective narrative, told by each of its characters. While the narrative is linear, the narration is not. It creates a very well crafted suspense of effects looking for its causes.

In The Affair Season II the camera close-up gets closer to the characters, and the photography better with each episode as the characters adjust better to their skin.

The best line of the show, "You know what Noah: you are a fucking tourist," comes at the end of the second season when Noah understands he is a strange to his own life.

For the viewer—not a spoiler—, what is strange in the first season is beautifully painful in the second season; there will be The Affair Season III in 2016.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

BOTA MINI 2011 Chardonnay 

Burgundian— people of great Chardonnay— take note about Americans: they play to win—and to wine for some years. And they will find the way to defeat you. 1.3/2 Grade.

BOTA MINI 2011 Chardonnay's environmental appeal does not suit to the conservative wine community. Nothing is romantic about its image. Its carton box makes one doubt what it contains; plus, the golden color of its skin if it is poured in a wineglass seems to have been stolen.

Yet, this is a nice surprise: This 2011 Chardonnay wine keeps its freshness, and it does not have to be necessary served cold. Its acidity is very well cured, although its head is extremely shy. Chardonnay's typical citrus palate doesn’t speak loud—which is fine with my palate—. The alcohol is present but it doesn’t leave any tale in the mouth—good news for those who drink and drive, but not for those who like to remember wine.

In a word for the Burgundian about this 'carry-on' wine: NICE. You have done worse Chardonnays.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I own them or they own me: it doesn't matter; 
we've each other!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

ALAS stays among 100 books in sell at Amazon for 4th month:

Friday, December 4, 2015

El Secreto de sus Ojos 
           VS. Secret in Their Eyes

Folklore, es la palabra y la gran ausente en la versión de Secret in Their Eyes—sin dudas, es una película hecha para el publico anglosajón, principalmente que no haya visto El Secreto de Sus Ojos—La ganadora  del Oscar 
a mejor película extrajera en el 2009.

Una de las pocas veces que me gustaría saber como no recordar pasó cuando fui a ver Secret in Thier Eyes esta semana, porque El Secreto de Sus Ojos no está tan solo en la memoria pero en la piel—es la película que hay que ver.

Sin embargo, los productores de  Secret in Their Eyes no juegan a perder; tampoco dejan de ser ambiciosos. El elenco está lleno de estrellas hollywoodense, y muy bien actuada, sobre todo por Julia Robert.

Secret in their Eyes define a la escuela de Hollywood y no se sale de su marco. Por otra parte, El Secreto de sus Ojos identifica genuinamente a Argentina y su genialidad.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

                                WITH A 5 YEARS OLD BOY

"Numbers are not infinite."

"They are because you can repeat the same set of numbers—1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9as many time, as you want."

"What about zero?"

"I think zero is the infinite."

"Exactly, because you need space, and numbers are written on space. Is space infinite?"


"You just said yes. Well, if your answer is no to infinite, numbers can't be infinite."

"Wait, you can pass on your set of numbers to someone else and make them infinite. The air is more dynamic. It erases and forgets faster than the space you are talking about."

"They will end the day you die, or the day you stop pronouncing them."

"No, if that happens, another person can keep pronouncing them until and so on."

"Will that be worthy?"

"— definitely, it will prove something, although I don’t know what."

"Will that be worthy?"

"Now, you are infinite."

"Is it worthy?"