Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Desde Donde Todo Nace

Tu percepción no se equivocó; los demás fueron los equivocados.

Todo nace y vuela hasta el infinito en el mismo instante, hasta que le damos tiempo y nos separamos del instante para verlo volar. Simplemente mala educación, que nos enseñó a desprendernos de ese instante como sombra que nunca recuperará su cuerpo.

Es allí donde lo importante de la vida pasa, donde un segundo es un siglo, donde tus labios y los míos son los únicos. No son nueve meses, ni cualquier otro día es más importante que todo lo que percibimos por primera vez. Todo lo bueno está listo para que pase en ese momento.

Cuando nos miramos, todo pasó, lo demas son ramas que se esconderán entre las nubes.

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Desde entonces miras al cielo, no a mis ojos, y te vistes detrás de esas nubes para no descubrirte. Te lo imaginas todo, lo bueno y lo malo, conmigo incluido, y si vale la pena volver a mis ojos. Solo que todo es ficción. Ya no estoy, y nunca ese primer instante volverá. No soy ni el mejor de mí, en todo caso adaptado a ser lo peor de mí, porque así me he dejado vencer para poder lidiar entre todos, sobre todo para poder volver a mirarte y entender el momento que nos percibimos como el mejor de todos los tiempos.
¿Por qué dejamos que nos pasaran tantas personas manoseando, como manos como cuchillos, la alfombra roja que tejieron nuestras miradas?

El cliché del cliché es dejar pasar este momento. La mesa está siempre servida, sin cubiertos, ni mesa para ese primer momento; solo un manjar en tu boca y la mía, o hambre para todo la vida.  

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Blue Is the Warmest Color, don't make it gray

The film Blue Is the Warmest Color does not need defense. Art itself doesn’t need lawyers or any kind of defense. The artist’s biggest mistake is not his or her art, but the defense of his or her art. No art can be wrong. After the creation, the artist must disappear from the frame of his or her creation. The artist should invest his or her time in his or her next creation.
Image result for blue is the warmest color watch online
Blue Is the Warmest Color is going to make you feel lips on your skin— this sensation after watching a work of art, and if I am pressed to identify one or the best accomplishment in this movie, is the best in the film.

Again, only the viewer can judge, but for sure the creators of this film should have never responded to any opinion or sensation created by the film. The great taste that the film left on me vanished when the creators, defensively, tried to recreate the film in front of critics trying to make their living, which leads to a misinterpretation of the film.

Image result for blue is the warmest color watch online
The film illustrates the relationship of a french couple, teen girls find their place within their skin and in the world. Their rise and fall of their love follows the extension of love itself. Are these characters: lesbians, artists, young people exploring their feelings and their acts…? Who cares? The film grasps the moment of the affair of these two beautiful women. That’s all.

 +++ My Novels: http://goo.gl/SyALxi +++

The film does not have a biased opinion toward lesbianism because at the end, actually, Adele betrays Emma with a man.

But to say the film is just a film, as their creators have said trying to dodge any controversial question, is just ridiculous and put the film in the defensive side, when it actually has a very loud and clear voice.

Neither should I have written this defending the movie, although I make more sense than the creators of Blue Is the Warmest Color. If Blue Is the Warmest, its creators made the film gray.