Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Two curious Non fiction notes from last night : young and splendid, she said that she can't love anyone Ever...Hum, then: This 50-something man told me he Can die any time since he has done everything in this and his life... Wouldn't it be great if they meet today?  PS: both invited me for a bottle of wine... They merely drank... So I had two bottles of wine over two pessimistic points of view...  http://goo.gl/SyALxi

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Asi las prefiero yo
more than sure, they desire the same...

Friday, August 5, 2016

No family, country or education showed me the beauty of the land I was born. It had to be this beacon, USA, UNselfishly made me see the light from which I come from... http://goo.gl/SyALxi