Sunday, November 29, 2015

this is the story of io, who is inside his mom's womb in 1982; io starts finally hearing the world three days before he will see it. He is excited, over all, because of Sarah, a nurse who talks, kisses and caresses him from his mom's belly. io's excitement is betrayed by his mom, Jenine, who can't handle her loneliness... 

Monday, November 23, 2015

It doesn’t start with a WHY, nor WHY is endless, as I read somewhere. WHY is a philosophical bridge to understanding; but before one asks WHY, something has been created, so someone has, at least, a step before one , and manipulates one, maybe to never find the solution.

The endless WHY is taught, or learned, in journalism--a profession that reacts to conflict. 

It is marvelous ride to create one's conflict before one wonders WHY, before one is in the middle of someone else's conflict—it is a cognitive behavior in me to be the conflict rather than the solution. One's conflict leads all to one's resolution, so one must NOT be SHY creating the conflict. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Después de una entrevista de trabajo le mandé un texto a la dueña: de tus delgadas clavículas cuelgan dos nubes que son parte de mi tormenta". Me llamó enseguida. Me acobardé; no contesté,  ya que pude haberlo ganado todo: que me ofreciera el trabajo y saliera conmigo—Nunca lo sabré; a lo mejor me animo y le devuelvo la llamada hoy J 

Friday, November 20, 2015

El sueño no llega con las olas
No hay barcos, ni luna
No preguntan por las palabras del concreto  
Solo tu escuchas el tap de mis suelas

Hablan diferentes lenguas
Escuchan al  hambre
No entienden lo que tu entiendes
El simple destello de las olas

Lejos, voy sobre la extensión del concreto
Sin olas, con sueño te replico  
Al marcharme anoche abrumadamente sobre el césped 

No interrumpamos nuestra charla, Jade.


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Someone described me with french word 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The first word in mandarin I learned: CHEERS! it isn't a tattoo; who taught me it wrote it on top of my tattoo!